Pen-Write Communications
Pen-Write Communications is an Academic Support Service Provider for Students, Schools and Colleges; giving our Clients easy access to 21st Century Education for improved performance and brand upgrade.
Our business is to provide satisfactory academic support services to students of this generation in the way and manner they will love to learn.
Education in the 21st Century has taken a new dimension where students can no longer be restricted to the limited knowledge of their subject teachers when they have unlimited access to knowledge in every field at their fingertips. Our children are advancing intellectually on a daily basis due to exposure to the internet and other electronic media but their academic performance is unexpectedly declining due to the distractions and abuse/misuse of these media which is their passion. Students of this generation are driven more by technology rather than pedagogy. Instead of compelling them to the old ways, we opine that their passion (technology) be harmonized with their responsibility (academics) to achieve the best in the shortest possible time. To help in salvaging this situation, Pen-Write Communications was incorporated in 2007 as BN 2074936 and has been working since then on various online academic support project for schools and interested individuals.
To be a leading institution in youth education and empowerment and to become a household name in education in Nigeria and its sub-regions, through online contact.
To use modern technology in providing support services in education, making learning and life easier and more convenient for all our customers, inspiring them to imbibe the virtue of 'success by integrity' through our programmes and services.
Our team of developers are 100% professional teachers with proven track records, so we understand the importance and value of every aspect of school management and we have our affiliate partner in California, USA.
- To be the pioneer and leading online Home School in Nigeria
- To become a household name in Online Education in Nigeria and its sub-region
- To propagate the gospel of success by integrity
- To empower youth for intellectual independence
Our programmes are designed to provide academic and academic – related services to individuals and corporate bodies in the following spheres:
1. Interactive online tutorial for students in all core subject areas for BECE, SSCE, GCE, IGCSE, UTME and other examinations in the comfort of their home/cafe.
2. Online interraction for students where they collaborate online and participate in assignments, tests and examinations with Assessment Report forwarded to them on a monthly basis. This is a remedial service for JSS 1 - 3 and SSS 1 - 3 students.
3. An opportunity for members to work ahead of their peers in all available subject areas through access to the curriculum / syllabi and have live discussion with professional teachers after reading through the topics already prepared on each subject forum.
4. Opportunity to interact with other members of the Pen-Write Forums , share ideas and maitain a lifelong network of friends on our Teachers Forum and Students Forum.
5. A second chance at education where you can study for external examinations without necessarily enrolling in a conventional school.
6. Flexible time schedule where you can choose the most convenient period to study and make up for lost period or classes in subsequent sessions.
7. Virtual Online Testing(VOT) for individuals, schools and organizations. We take the burden of marking objective answer sheets from you by helping your school or organization programme your test and assessment and administer it online with instant result which helps to save time, money and energy. (view VOT details).
We also provide FREE and Paid Practice Test Packages for candidates preparing for Common Entrance, BECE, SSCE/GCE & UTME Examinations.
8. E-Lesson packages for individuals or schools in all subject areas giving access to comprehesive tutorial for independent study in core subjects for learners and teachers alike following the curriculum religiously on a weekly and termly basis.
Social Media
Creative in Technological Integration into Teaching and Learning..
Our Products and Services are designed from an insiders perspective and whole school management experience to support Students and Schools.
We give free consultation and need assessment to schools with an objective analysis report.